NOTE TO BUYERS: Photos, videos, and details are provided by the seller are to be used as a guide only and may not fully reflect the item’s true nature and condition. Odometer readings may vary slightly from the listed value due to potential use by the seller between the time of listing and the auction’s conclusion. Please refer to the IMPORTANT NOTES section on this page for more information.
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The options and features below are listed by the seller and may include standard, optional or after-market items. There may be other options/features not listed here. Whilst endeavours to ensure that what the seller has quoted is correct, takes no responsibility if an option/feature is quoted but is not included or working properly in the vehicle offered for sale. As the buyer, it is your responsibility to conduct your own research and confirm any critical details.
Inspections are by appointment only.
Inspection Time: Wed 26/02/2025 between 12:00pm and 4:30pm only at Sylvania, NSW
If you wish to arrange an inspection with the seller, please click the “Ask Question / Arrange Inspection” button below the bidding section.